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Adapting to learning at home during Covid-19

Skills Jersey speak to Jersey College for Girls students on how they have adapted to the changes in education during the Coronavirus pandemic.


Millie – Year 8

What tools or processes have you found really useful over the past few weeks in this difficult time?

Over and above usual messaging and calls I use Zoom both for school and to do family quizzes for some light-hearted fun and so I’m connected with my family and friends who are spread around the world (my dad lives in Spain, my brother is in France and my other relatives are in the UK). I read reliable news sources to keep me updated with what is happening in relation to the pandemic. The school apps and communications are invaluable to ensure my study remains productive and supported.

What benefits do you think will come of this experience?

People will appreciate being able to connect with people in person. I feel like this has given the planet time to breathe and reminds us that we should slow down and think about the damage we are doing with cars, planes and pollution and also to our mental health. More people are out and connecting with nature at this time. It has also allowed us to appreciate our family time together and our pets are so happy we are at home with them and giving them attention.

What top tips would you give another student, regarding online study/motivation/ wellbeing?

  • Stick to a set timetable as close as possible to your normal one.
  • Take regular breaks and ensure you delineate between your study life and your personal time.
  • Get outside and breathe in some fresh air, even if just for a short while every day.
  • Be respectful of other members of your household now that you are living and working together 24/7.

Eva – Year 8

What tools or processes have you found really useful over the past few weeks in this difficult time?

I have been using the following apps to keep in contact with my teachers and to continue my learning throughout this difficult situation:

  • SMHW
  • Zoom
  • Office 365
  • YouTube

What benefits do you think will come of this experience?

Within this situation pollution has decreased and in many countries where there were smog filled skies they are now clear but if after quarantine we go back to our old ways we will pollute the earth more than ever before. So I think we should take this time that we have to think about our future.

What top tips would you give another student, regarding online study/motivation/ wellbeing?

Stay positive, keep in touch with your friends and family, Don't lose hope because Coronavirus will end. And we will be back at school with our friends and spending time with our family.

Sophia - Year 12

What tools or processes have you found useful over the past few weeks in this difficult time?

I have found the Zoom lessons and extra support from staff at school extremely useful during this time, especially with my end of years examinations in the upcoming weeks. Websites such as Seneca, Physics and Maths tutor and Kerboodle have all been instrumental in my revision, and I would recommend them to others. I have been keeping to routine to be able to balance studying and extra curriculum.

What benefits do you think will come of this experience?

During this time, I have been able to spend a lot more time with my family, which has been very valuable. I also believe that this time has allowed people to become more giving and compassionate towards others, which has brought our communities much closer and made them much stronger.

What top tips would you give another student, regarding online study/ motivation/ wellbeing?

I believe that keeping to a routine similar to one of the school days (i.e. getting up early and sticking to a timetable to complete the work set) has been incredibly beneficial. It has allowed me to balance my work and revision as well as exercise and spending time with my family. Another tip I would give to maintain motivation and wellbeing would be going outside to do exercise or going on a walk as I have found this really useful. Lastly, I would recommend maintaining a sustainable sleeping routine to allow maximum concentration when studying.

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