


All Island Media

Alter Domus

Andium Homes

Association of Jersey Architects


Aztec Group


Best Start Partnership

Brilliance - Jersey's jewellery and watch industry

British Army

Centre Point


de Gruchy

Diamondology Ltd

Digital Jersey


Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust / Jersey Zoo



Gen II

Grant Thornton

Hair & Beauty Academy

Health and Community Services

Highlands College



Islands Insurance

ITV Channel Television

Jenca Music

Jersey Construction Council

Jersey Dairy

Jersey Electricity

Jersey Employer Group

Jersey Employment Trust

Jersey Finance

Jersey Financial Services Commission

Jersey Heritage

Jersey Hospice Care

Jersey Hospitality Association

Jersey Overseas Aid

Jersey Pearl (FS Group)

Jersey Sport

Jersey Water

Jersey Youth Service




Langham Hall

Les Amis

LV Care Group

M3D Architecture

Mace Group

Maples Group

Medical Education



Oak Group


Orthoptic Department


Ports of Jersey





Rok Group

Royal Navy



Seymour Hotels

Skills Jersey - Careers Guidance

Skills Jersey - Skills Coaches

Skills Jersey - Trackers Apprenticeship Programme

Skills Jersey - Traineeship Programme

Skills Jersey - Trident Work Experience

Social Care



System Labs


The Shelter Trust

Theatres & Anaesthetics

TMF Group

Uniformed Services





Adapting during Covid-19 - SCOOP The Sustainable Cooperative

Skills Jersey speak to Kaspar and India from SCOOP The Sustainable Cooperative on how their business has adapted during the challenging times of the Coronavirus pandemic.


What were your initial thoughts to Covid-19 regarding your business?

At the beginning of March we realised that Covid-19 would have a significant and lasting impact on the running of our business and that we would need to adapt to remain viable. We anticipated panic buying and were concerned about supply lines of essential items and fresh produce and started working with our suppliers to prepare for the challenges ahead, rationing certain items to ensure that as many people as possible had access to everything they needed.

We recognized and respected increased levels of anxiety and knew that communication with our customers would be vital, to demonstrate our willingness to accommodate and respond to a range of needs and concerns. We were particularly concerned about our more vulnerable customers. We were also confident that our services would be needed and appreciated. Our first public message on this was met with a positive response.

How did you adapt and change your business routine?

Each decision we made was underpinned by three concerns, the safety of our customers and staff, the needs of the most vulnerable in our community and a commitment to secure the livelihoods of the farmers we support. We needed to adapt quickly and regularly, from introducing hand washing facilities for customers, to limiting the numbers in the shop. Decisions were influenced by customers, volunteers, staff members and the management team.

Within 2 weeks of developing a COVID policy document in early March we had closed the shop and began operating as a delivery and collection service, selling over 450 different products to 360 households, with an emphasis on local producers and growers. It wasn’t always a smooth transition and it was (and is) a lot of extra work. We have used free and low cost digital systems and made the change about people and communication. We didn’t want to lose our sense of community.

We are indebted to a team of volunteers, who have stepped in to help us manage the packing and delivery service. We are lucky to have a very dynamic, socially driven workforce that can grow and shrink in a time of need. We are also fortunate to be in a position to continue operating as a business and employing the staff who work with us.

What positive changes do you think you will take from this experience?

We are a business that has the wellbeing of the environment and our community at heart. We care deeply for localism and resilience, not only in response to COVID, but to all the potential challenges our food supply chain faces in the years to come. We have been encouraged by the way people have supported local initiatives and rallied to help those most in need. We are also encouraged by a ‘re-skilling’ of home cooking practices and the surge in home growing.

Consumption and life has slowed down for many people and that may prove useful in the future. We also hope that this experience will result in more support and appreciation for the organic growers we work with, who have been supplying the local market with an abundance of organic produce for many years, using framing practices that have the long term interests of our island at heart. We urge decision makers to be brave and be influenced by progressive and dynamic approaches to resilience.

Thinking of changing career but not sure where to start?

Why not arrange an appointment with the Skills Jersey Careers Advise team who offer a free impartial careers advice and guidance service for all ages, regardless of residency or employment status.

Your one-to-one appointment will be in a relaxed, informal and confidential environment.

Find out more by calling the team on +44 (0) 1534 449440 or book an appointment online.